Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I finished something by the deadline!

If I could only add about ten more hours to my day! I really find that I don't have as much time as I would like to play on the computer and learn about these websites. So I am glad Plan provided this tutorial to save time. I actually don't have a home PC - yes I know, shocking! But I prefer to turn off when I get home.

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? Actually, I have decided to create a Blog for our library. So that is something useful. Generators are fun and creative, and I love Zoho Writer and Library Thing.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
Really feel much more knowledgeable about these 21st century web applications. There is a lot of potential use for our library which is great!

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I am setting up a personal blog for my family. Yikes, never thought that would happen.

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?And last but not least…
John the tech guy should stop by to help! :)

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?



Our library has the collection for Ebooks - I am old school like many others and prefer to read the book while turning the pages.

But I do agree with others, that if a book is checked out, an EBook could really be helpful.

And who doesn't like Eaudiobooks? Many patrons would rather listen to a book than read.

Podcasting # 21

I am so glad we touched on podcasting. This is something I am interested in for our library.

I am a history buff and found the podcast for the American Experience:

"American Experience is the longest-running and most-honored history series on television. The audio and video podcasts offer previews of American Experience documentaries and offer commentary from film producers and directors. American Experience airs on PBS on Monday nights."


Monday, July 23, 2007


Okay what do I like - well I am an 80's child and sometimes I just need to see those horrible music videos from MTV. :)

Why I don't like YouTube - hmmm, could that be the questionable content. I have unfortunately come across some horrible things that are allowed to be on there - sometimes I think we have just created another outlet for badmouthing and talking down to people.

But sometimes you can find something just right!

Exercise #19 Web 2.0

What fun that is! I found a great website for me: realtravel.com

I am looking forward to those retirement years in about 30 years so I wanted to start planning my travel early! This website has great travel blogs and I really like the idea of reading a blog about someone's experience instead of using a travel guide. This is much more up to date.

I would use this as a starting point for any of my traveling.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I published my post!

This is fun and easy - I am beginning to see a theme in what I like on the internet.  Easy and fun only need apply. 


Once again, I really do like this Zoho writer - I will be emailing this website to all the staff - it can really be utilized by everyone!

Exercise # 18

Once again, I thought I knew everything about the internet!

"One large benefit to web-based applications is that they eliminate the need to worry about different software versions or file types as you email documents or move from PC to PC."

Now that would have helped in college when I had Works and couldn't open my term papers. :)

Exercise # 17

Well that fun and easy - really simple website to get around. I may have to create my on Wiki!

Exercise # 16 _ Wiki!

Well I use Wikipedia quite often - it usually starts when I watch a movie or read a book and I quickly want some additional facts.

I also am very careful with the information that I find because I realize that Wikipedia is user updated.

What I found most interesting about this exercise is the amount of Wiki's outside of Wikipedia - I guess I thought Wiki's started with Wikipedia. If I stretch my memory back to 1995, I think I can remember the WikiWikiWeb.

Lots of good resources out there - I bookmarked every page!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Library 2.0

My mind is still trying to grasp the concept of Library 2.0. Hmmm, maybe I need to attend a PLAN play day. Anyway I did my usual to learn more about something and googled Library 2.0. The first paragraph in the first hit I got was:

"Libraries are changing. Funding limits and customer demands are transforming staffing levels, service models, access to resources, and services to the public. Administrators and taxpayers are seeking more efficient ways of delivering services to achieve greater returns on financial investments."

Yep, that sounds like our library.

If Library 2.0 is providing excellent virual reference, sign me up. If anyone can simplify what Library 2.0 does, please do. I am still trying to envision what it does.

Exercise #14

Technorati Profile

Interesting site but not sure how much use I would get out of it. It seems a bit time consuming.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Exercise # 13

I am beginning to feel like I am saving the same information, just at different websites. Del.icio.us is just another tool to save those favorites.
I do enjoy looking at all these websites that organize and save your favorites because each person is different in how they want to catalog their favorites. Some may like Rollyo or others may like Del.icio.us. It is all about options. Was able to create an account, but was blocked from installing my buttons - so I will need to do that from home.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Rollyo - Exercise #12

I am constantly saving favorites on my computer. I have everything organized into folders so this tool is not so helpful on my personal computer, but it is helpful if I was on a public computer. I would still have all my favorites on the web!


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Exercise # 11 - LibraryThing

This was fun. And it was so easy to add the widget.


Exercise # 10

This was fun and easy! I used Add Letters and Image Chef to make these. I can see myself using these for posters at the library. The graphics are fun and I can easily add the wording

Exercise # 9 Blogging Even More

So far, I really love Bloglines Search Tool - I have added some of my favorite websites. I also like LisZen because it is powered by Google search so I am used to that format.

I have actually found that I am the ultimate internet surfer - so I tend to not do searches with all these websites. If I like something, I'll just click on the RSS feed.

But to be honest, this is time consuming! But fun. :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

RSS #8

As soon as I created my blogline, 20 feeds appeared. I had chosen some of my interests when I validated my account and there they were! I could spend hours just reading but alas, I must get back to work.


RSS #8

Whew, this was a brain teaser until I realized how much it was like my Favorites. Visit my blogline at


Friday, July 6, 2007

Technology!!!! # 7

Okay, so I have a minor addiction to the NASA website. I cannot believe the pictures that come back from Hubble (does that even work anymore) or from the ISS (International Space Station). I could spend hours just surfing through images on Astronomy.com. But I guess I am supposed to talk about technology in this blog. Well, I guess NASA emcompasses technology. We are on missions to Mars, we have astronauts living in space, and we are growing vegetables in space!

I used to live in Jacksonville, FL and would watch the shuttle go up on every mission. It took my breath away that all these onboard computers and those in the mission control room were able to get that huge shuttle up, up, and away.

I think of what the future will bring and I can't wait to try the elevator to space!

A space elevator is a proposed megastructure designed to transport material from a celestial body's surface into space. Many different types of space elevators have been suggested. They all share the goal of replacing rocket propulsion with the traversal of a fixed structure via a mechanism not unlike an elevator in order to move material into or beyond orbit. Space elevators have also sometimes been referred to as beanstalks, space bridges, space lifts, space ladders, skyhooks or orbital towers.

Wikipedia is so cool!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Exercise # 6

So I am working on Exercise Six - all about mashups and I found this link on wikipedia,


I looked at one website that basically gave a map of wi-fi spots in the US. We don't offer wi-fi at our library so this is helpful. It did have some locations close to the library so that was nice.

I also am going to work on Mappr - I have some great pictures from Cape Cod that I want to add to the map. Now if I can just remember my flickr user name and password! I find this is my biggest problem - never writing down my passwords!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

FWB Library # 5

FWB Library
Originally uploaded by jlibrary15
I love new Reference books!

“Navigating New Technologies - 23 Things”

These are some cool programs this summer at the library!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Lifelong Learning # 3

The lifelong tutorial was very helpful. I find that only one of the habits truly intimidates me and that is accepting problems as challenges. I have the tendency to shrink in the company of problems. So I need to learn to step back and remember the goal I had in mind and not to become discouraged.

Navigating New Technologies # 3

This was very new for me - just creating a blog! And yet, I grew up with computers. I wanted to start this Navigating New Technologies because there is always something new to learn. I am very interesting in learning more about podcasting and hope to use that function at our library one day.